

Tel: +36301850344

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Email: iroda@szurkemarha.hu

Website: www.mszte.hu



By the 1960’s the grey cattle staff has had a drastic decrease. For saving it the breeders of the remained herds with an exemplary collaboration often against the contemporary rules, saved the species from dying off. As a fulfillment of this professional cooperation, yearly meetings has been held from 1982,and in 1991 as soon as it was possible, the Hungarian Grey Cattle Breeders’ Association was founded , as one of the first civil organizations in the country. After all the association started a fast growing, today it is nation-wide organization with hundreds of active members.


The aim of the Association:


Breeding, defending, spreading and introducing the grey cattle species, improving and using its valuable properties considering the rules of gene conservation. We regard the species as a national value, and its maintenance is the future’s interest. (citation from the Constitution of the Association)



Brand                                                             Description                                    Country of Origin


Grey Cattle                                                    Meat                                                              Hungary

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